If you checked your internet speed on a daily basis you’ll realize that it’s usually a lot less than what was advertised. ISPs have a habit of using terms such as “up to 100 Mbps” to deceive their customers into thinking that they’ll always have 100 Mbps internet if they sign up for the right internet plan. If your internet service provider is not giving you the speeds that it promises, then speeding up uTorrent is not going to help. Of course, before you go ahead and learn how to speed up uTorrent, you should first check if you have a fast enough internet connection. However, when you want to download a large file, you may find that it’s taking more time than it should. This method can really speed up the download process. Peer-to-peer technology is great in the sense that it allows different users to have different pieces of a file that each user can download from the other users on the network. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at how you can speed up uTorrent. In order to help you, we’ve tried a ton of different ways to speed up uTorrent and have included only the effective methods in this guide. If you download torrent files often, you’re likely looking for ways to speed up uTorrent to take back some of the time you’ve been losing to slow downloads. Torrent files are notoriously large, which can lead to long download times.